Last April we completed construction work on the artificial grass basketball, volleyball and football ground, next to the Chiesa Parrocchiale di Cristo Risorto in Villadossola (VB).

The project “Everyone on the pitch!” was strongly supported by the San Domenico Savio Oratory and personally supervised by Don Alberto. It was made possible through fundraising by the children of the Oratory and with the support of the VCO Community Foundation.

The importance of the project was recognised and shared by all those who worked on it and Don Alberto highlighted this, saying, “Those who worked on it gave not just their time, experience and professionalism, but also put their heart into it!”

In particular, he thanked those who participated directly:

  • on the technical and construction side, Luca, Giorgio, Matteo, Hicham, Paolo, Claudio, Nino, Aziz and Christian,
  • and on the administrative side, Cristina and Aurora.

We established a good relationship with them straight away, a strong connection, because we shared a commitment to "get it right", because it wasn't ours, it was for the Community. I learned a lot from them: particularly their commitment to their work, their passion for building something beautiful, for not being satisfied with the first idea, but instead exploring the best options, the mutual respect and friendliness with which they spoke to each other and helped each other… Thank you for the great team work!”


We are proud to have contributed to such an important development for the entire Villadossola community and we want to continue working together along this path, with gratitude, responsibility, and "heart" for the good of everyone!